Wednesday 29 July 2009

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As a valued subscriber, I wanted to let you in on a
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Franca Ibuzo

Tuesday 21 July 2009

The Untold Secret Of Affiliate Marketing…

There are many different ways to make money on the internet, and we can’t do them all.
Focus is extremely important in any business, especially in the internet business.
Here’s why - unlike traditional businesses, most people who venture into internet marketing are doing it on a part-time basis while holding on to a full-time job. Time is limited.

Coupled with learning new skills and information overload, it can be an uphill climb. This is true for both beginners and experts who are already in the business.
However do it well and the rewards far exceed anything you can dream of!
The same is true for the business of affiliate marketing.

Whilst this is one of the most “perfect” internet businesses, you still need to tackle it with a more focused approach for maximum returns.
Think about it, within affiliate marketing itself, there are also many different models of applying the business:
1. Pay Per Click
2. Email Marketing
3. Blogging
4. Content Publishing
5. Article Marketing
6. Free Viral Reports
7. Presell Sites
8. Review Sites
9. Ebay
10. Web 2.0 (including videos)
Ten different models in affiliate marketing alone!
No wonder we’re all confused.

The above list is by no means complete. There may very well be others not included in the list.
Here’s the proper way to approach affiliate marketing so you can truly leverage your efforts and make a fortune online with it:
- Focus on just ONE affiliate marketing model you’re comfortable with for a start
- Stick with this model for at least 2 months if you want to see results
- Test, track and improvise where possible
- Reinvest at least 30% of your profits back into the business so you can grow and scale it up
- Rinse, repeat and improve on your model for multiple streams of income
- Explore OTHER models once you’ve the current business running well as this will help you to diversify your business and spread your eggs.

The last point is especially important. If you’re depending on just a single business model to make money, then you’re in a VERY dangerous position (look at what happened years ago to affiliates with the “Google Slap”).
The only constant thing is CHANGE.
Everything changes so do not be overly contented and complacent.
Let this be a wake up call to new and experienced internet marketers alike.
Affiliate marketing is a BUSINESS and like any business, commitment is necessary.
Too many well-meaning marketers give up before they get results.
If you’re looking for money to fall from the sky, sorry it DOESN’T happen.

I use this personal approach which I’ve coined the “F.A.C.E Formula” for success:
F= Focus
A= Action
C= Commitment
E= Education
The above seems self-explanatory but let it really sink in.
It’s the ”untold secret” to successful affiliate marketing or any other business you tackle.
To round up, since there are so many different ways of doing affiliate marketing (I’ve listed 10 above), which in YOUR opinion is the BEST affiliate marketing model you’re having success with?

I’m interested to know what you think. Please feel free to discuss this topic, add your comments and thoughts…

Wednesday 8 July 2009

Your Dotcomology give-away page:

Your Dotcomology give-away page:

Description: Dotcomology is the ebook created to provide a lot of valuable information about making money online. I give the Dotcomology ebook away free. As you are reading the book, you will be strategically directed throughout the book to sign up for the Plug-In Profit Site through an affiliate link. This is a very effective tool. Give away the Dotcomology ebook to everyone you can!

Thursday 2 July 2009

How to set up your web hosting account

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